Champion Redgates China Doll
aka Halo
Halo is shown above on October 21st, 2011
a week before her 2nd birthday.
December 2nd, 2012
Halo, Wow and Jewel watching me eat breakfast.
What beautiful girls they are...
Garden City Kennel Club
March 9th and 10th, 2013
Halo picks up one of her Majors.
Thank You Judge Sonny Ambrosio!
Sunday, Halo picked up her final Major Win...
Completing her Championship!
Thank You Judge Roger Hartinger!!!!
Halo is consistently catching the Judges eye each time out...
September 19th, 20th and 21st, 2012
Rocky Mountain Mastiff Fanciers
Regional Specialty
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Rocky Mountain Mastiff Fanciers
Independent Specialty
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Halo won 2nd Place to her Half Sister Marbles in the Bred By Exhibitor class...
Marbles went on to win...
Best In Sweepstakes, Reserve Winners Bitch and Best Bred By Exhibitor!
Winners Bitch was New Champion Redgates Stellar Performance.
Saturday and Sunday at the
Arapahoe Kennel Club...
Thank You Judge Ralph Lemcke!
Halo wins Winners Bitch both days!
Photo above taken with Rachel Diller holding
New Champion Redgates Stellar Performance
who finished at the Specialty the day before...
Thank You Judge Clay Coady.
Halo is Minored out at 9 Points!
Now we just need those pesky Majors...
Here we go again!
September 8th and 9th, 2012
Evergreen Kennel Club
Saturday ~ September 8th, 2012
Halo wins Reserve Winners Bitch
under Judge Ms Sheila Polk.
No photo taken.
Sunday ~ September 9th, 2012
Halo wins Winners Bitch
Thank You Judge Mr Terry Temple.
Halo is at 6 Points!
In the ring photo taken by Shannon VanDuren.
Thanks Shannon :-)
September 1st and 2nd, 2012
Cheyenne Kennel Club
Halo wins Winners Bitch both days
Best Of Winners on Sunday...
Scanner is down ~ these are pictures of pictures ~ replace.
Saturday ~ Winners Bitch
Thank You Judge Mr Brad Child.
Halo is at 4 Points!
Sunday ~ Halo wins Winners Bitch and Best of Winners...
Thank You Judge Col Joe Purkhiser.
Halo is at 5 Points!
August 18th and 19th, 2012
Greeley Kennel Club Day 1
On the first day of the Greeley Kennel Club Show, Star sits out while
Halo wins another single bringing her to 3 pts...
Thank You Judge Mr William Sahloff.
In an effort to get Star finished with a cross over
I showed both girls against each other...
Foiled again!
Star takes Winners Bitch and Halo wins Reserve
but unfortunately Star fails to cross over and finish her Championship... Star stands at 15 Points with 1 Major. Halo is at 3 Points...
Thank You Judge Mrs Betsy Harvey.
June 2012
Flatirons Kennel Club Show
Halo on Right, wins Reserve Winners Bitch to her Cousin
Redgates Stellar Performance
Thank You Judge Ms Irma Fertl.
Halos second outing was in April 2012
Scottsbluff Kennel Club Show in Mitchell Nebraska.
Halo wins her first 2 Points.
Thank You Judge Norman Kenney!
Halos 2012 Denver Debut
This was Halos' first time in the ring since she was 6 months old....
She showed steady improvement as the weekend went on....







PGreat Photos by Rachel Diller and Shannon Van Duren |
Before she was sidelined by her sister Scissors
Halo had a small coming out party.
Halo is Best Puppy at the Buckhorn Kennel Club show
on July 3rd, 2010!
Thank You, Judge Harriet Campbell for picking
Halo as Best Mastiff Puppy!
In true hind sight...
I missed the opportunity to take a picture of Halo at her first show...
Flatirons Kennel Club Show in Longmont Colorado on June 6th, 2010.
Thank You, Judge Judith Voran for spotting Halo
placing her 2nd, in a very competitive class!
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Halo at 10 weeks.

I'ld been struggling with a good call name...
Shelly Tunningley, finally nailed a good call name for Purple.
Halo because of the whirls behind each of her ears.

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Momma's twinkies :-)
Scissors on the left and Halo on the right.

See video of the sisters outside at 10 weeks old.
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Halo at 8 weeks

See video of the girls inside at 8 weeks old.
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The girls minutes after being born.
Halo in green and Scissors in pink.